Fashion on a Shoestring

Ever wondered how you can keep wearing the latest fashion on a tight budget?
We are two Sydney girls with young families, ridiculous schedules and not much spare cash ... but we love fashion AND we love the challenge of looking great on a shoestring budget! Join us as we share our ideas.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sydney Webloggers Meetup

On Thursday evening I met some Sydney Webloggers at a Meetup organised by the very stylish (and now famous) Sara, The Bargain Queen.

There were bloggers from all over Sydney who write on a variety of topics, including; political statistics, marketing, science fiction, etc, etc and of course the ever colourful life of fashion.

I met some amazing folk including:

Icy from Individual Chic
Dean from OfficeHair, and
Gavin from Servant of Chaos.

Thank you Sara for organising another great Meet-up event!


At 10:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming along Chrissy, it was great seeing you again!


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