Fashion on a Shoestring

Ever wondered how you can keep wearing the latest fashion on a tight budget?
We are two Sydney girls with young families, ridiculous schedules and not much spare cash ... but we love fashion AND we love the challenge of looking great on a shoestring budget! Join us as we share our ideas.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

High Tea with the Queen

Today Chrissy and I had the great good fortune to meet up with some other Sydney fashion bloggers, thanks to the organising skills of the The Bargain Queen who got SassyBella, CoolChiq, Slave to Shopping, Harriet (blog coming ...) and Rogue's Lifestyle Blog (from Melbourne) together at Swissotel (see the mouthwatering Grab Your Fork review).

It was fantastic to meet fellow fashion devotees all with their own slant and style on the addictive world of fashion. Great to chat, and with everyone from such diverse backgrounds, yet we all love to blog about fashion! Gotta love that!

A big thank you to Sara, The Bargain Queen for a fun afternoon.

Kimberly & Chrissy


At 10:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming along. It was great meeting you both!


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