Fashion on a Shoestring

Ever wondered how you can keep wearing the latest fashion on a tight budget?
We are two Sydney girls with young families, ridiculous schedules and not much spare cash ... but we love fashion AND we love the challenge of looking great on a shoestring budget! Join us as we share our ideas.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Why we blog

Kimberly and I have been tagged with a meme by Icy of Individual Chic on the question of Why I blog. Thank you for thinking of us Icy, it's always fun to share our stories.

Chrissy: Having been in the workforce for sixteen years, now I'm a stay-at-home-mum with two children under 5. Last year, my husband thought I desperately needed a hobby (that is, instead of ferrying the children around and shopping for fashion on a tight budget) so he suggested blogging.

Being in IT himself he knew he could help set me up and start me off. At first, I didn't think I could do it, having had no formal qualification in fashion, but that's the beauty of blogging - anyone can have a go and be their own expert.

Wanting to share the experience I asked my friend Kimberly (also passionate about fashion) to join me and that's how Fashion on a Shoestring came about.

Now, I love it! I just wish I had more time to spend on this new found hobby! I've found that blogging about fashion is just as much fun as shopping for fashion, and more importantly ... now, are a great complement.

Kimberly: Why do I blog? I love chit chatting away into cyberspace, sharing and gaining information on a much loved topic - fashion - and hopefully contributing helpful ideas.

It is generally carving out some sanity into my currently very domestic, full-time-mum lifestyle.

I also love the creative buzz and the challenge of pursuing this very elusive concept - being fashionable without spending millions. I think we are succeeding!

As we have the opportunity to tag others, we would like to tag some fashion bloggers we met recently, namely; Coolchiq, Helen of Sassybella, Hat of SJ + Hat and Melanie of Slave to Shopping.


At 11:33 am, Blogger Icy said...

Hey Chrissy and Kimberly,

Thanks for thinking about it!

At 2:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh no! I'm tagged. I'll have to have a think about it and get back to you on why I blog. I've been doing it for so many years it's pretty much second nature to me.

At 11:51 am, Blogger Chrissy said...

Thanks Helen,

Looking forward to it. (So young and yet such an experienced blogger!)


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