Fashion on a Shoestring

Ever wondered how you can keep wearing the latest fashion on a tight budget?
We are two Sydney girls with young families, ridiculous schedules and not much spare cash ... but we love fashion AND we love the challenge of looking great on a shoestring budget! Join us as we share our ideas.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Booting Up for Winter

On a winters day, there's nothing better than a warm pair of boots to keep your feet dry and snug.

Of course, dress booties have made a big statement this year, looking gorgeous with opaques and skirts, as well as under pants. We looked at those in an earlier post called; Tights: Don't Leave Home Without Them.

However for something less dressy, I'm finding that a longer boot, mid calf or knee high, is more functional and warm. They look great teamed with tucked-in skinny pants or over opaques and a short hemline.

There are some great boots around this year, either in a high heel or flat. Take a look at some of the great options available:
For my current at home lifestyle, the casual flat boot is best. I like the slouch boot which can be turned up and pulled toward the knee or folded down and scrunched to mid-calf length. After seeing Icy's post, Shopping Report at Individual Chic, I found a great pair on sale at K-Mart for just $27 (like those pictured at right). They're warm and dry and look very now! Thanks Icy!


At 9:58 am, Blogger Icy said...

Hey, you're absolutely welcome!


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