Fashion on a Shoestring

Ever wondered how you can keep wearing the latest fashion on a tight budget?
We are two Sydney girls with young families, ridiculous schedules and not much spare cash ... but we love fashion AND we love the challenge of looking great on a shoestring budget! Join us as we share our ideas.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Put Some Colour on your Shopping List

Every few seasons in 'fashion world' the colour thing happens! I think you can usually see it coming ... after a more sombre direction such as black, grey and khaki now we are welcoming neons, bold brights and (this season) strong prints plus some very solid primary colored accessories. Which can be a bit challenging for the uninitiated. Especially if you've got settled on a few white t-shirts, black singlets, a denim skirt and, maybe a sarong from Bali, and wonder if you need a university degree in mixing and matching the tonal shades.

I have an idea as to how we could survive this new fashionable moment. In Australia where the sun shines all the time and colours are very strong, I think we need to embrace colour. It suits us and our environment! It's also a lot cooler than wearing too much black, particularly during the 6 months of warm weather we have.

In winter we enjoyed accessories that were mostly black, so why not start off this colour revolution with neon shoes and bags, or at least in a jewel or pastel shade.

Colours like blue, raspberry and lime, or fabric/cane combinations, can accent a colour and complement your print dress or skirt, pastel cardi or striped tee without excess effort.

If you like making changes more slowly, then go for an elaborate print or embroidery bag, stitched and detailed, which will liven up a denim outfit or more casual capris and shirts.

Here are some colourful possibilities for your next shopping trip:

  • Red ballet flats at Dotti $39.95
  • red or cobalt blue platforms at Witchery $129.95
  • Charlie Brown leather and rope bag in yellow $99
  • Milk and Honey Polyurethane bag $95
  • Wanted leather heels $119.95
  • Accessories at Wittner or Sportsgirl.
It's a good feeling to wear colour during summer and it only takes a few great accessories to break the black habit- even if you take it up again in winter!


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